Year |
Conference |
Award |
Authors |
Paper Title |
2023 |
SIGIR 2023 |
Best Student Paper Award |
Alireza Salemi, Juan Altmayer Pizzorno, Hamed Zamani |
A Symmetric Dual Encoding Dense Retrieval Framework for Knowledge-Intensive Visual Question Answering |
2023 |
ICTIR 2023 |
Best Paper Award Honorable Mention |
Zhiqi Huang, Shahrzad Naseri, Hamed Bonab, Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, James Allan |
Hierarchical Transformer-based Query by Multiple Documents |
2022 |
SIGIR 2022 |
Best Short Paper Award |
Hansi Zeng, Hamed Zamani, Vishwa Vinay |
Curriculum Learning for Dense Retrieval Distillation |
2022 |
SIGIR 2022 |
Best Paper Award |
Valeriia Bolotova, Vladislav Blinov, Bruce Croft, Mark Sanderson |
A non-factoid question answering taxonomy |
2021 |
NAACL 2021 Trust NLP Workshop |
Best Paper Award |
Dong-Ho Lee, Ravi Kiran Selvam, Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar, Bill Yuchen Lin, Fred Morstatter, Jay Pujara, Elizabeth Boschee, James Allan, Xiang Ren |
AutoTriggER:Named Entity Recognition with Auxiliary Trigger Extraction |
2020 |
CIKM 2020 |
Best Paper Award (Full Paper Research Track) |
Valeriya Bolotova-Baranova, Vladislav Blinov, Yukun Zheng, Mark Sanderson, Falk Scholer, Bruce Croft |
Do People and Neural Networks Pay Attention to the Same Words? Studying Eye-tracking Data for Non-factoid QA Evaluation |
2020 |
CIKM 2020 |
Best Paper Award (Resource Track) |
Hamed Zamani, Gord Lueck, Everest Chen, Rodolfo Quispe, Flint Luu, Nick Craswel |
MIMICS: A Large-Scale Data Collection for Search Clarification |
2019 |
ICTIR 2019 |
Best Full Paper Award |
Daniel Cohen, Scott Jordan, Bruce Croft |
Learning a Better Negative Sampling Policy with Deep Neural Networks for Search |
2019 |
ICTIR 2019 |
Best Short Paper Honorable Mention |
Helia Hashemi, Hamed Zamani, Bruce Croft |
Performance Prediction for Non-Factoid Question Answering |
2019 |
ECIR 2019 |
Test of Time Award |
Xing Yi ('11), James Allan |
A Comparative Study of Utilizing Topic Models for Information Retrieval (2009 ECIR paper) |
2019 |
ECIR 2019 |
Best Application Short Paper |
Youngwoo Kim, James Allan |
Unsupervised Explainable Controversy Detection from Online News |
2019 |
EMNLP 2019 -IJCNLP (Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering) |
Best Paper Award, MRQA |
Ameya Godbole, Dilip Kavarthapu, Rajarshi Das, Zhiyu Gong, Abhishek Singhal, Hamed Zamani, Mo Yu, Tian Gao, Xiaoxiao Guo, Manzil Zaheer, Andrew McCallum |
Multi-step Entity-centric Information Retrieval for Multi-Hop Question Answering |
2018 |
SIGIR 2018 |
Best Short Paper Award |
Daniel Cohen, Bhaskar Mitra. Katja Hofmann, Bruce Croft |
Cross Domain Regularization for Neural Ranking Models using Adversarial Learning |
2018 |
SIGIR 2018 |
Test of Time Award Honorable Mention |
Xing Wei (Ph.D. '07), Bruce Croft |
LDA-based document models for ad-hoc retrieval (2006 paper) |
2017 |
SIGIR 2017 |
Test of Time Award Honorable Mention |
Donald Metzler (Ph.D. '07), Bruce Croft |
A Markov random field model for term dependencies (2005 paper) |
2017 |
ACM CHIIR 2017 |
Best Student Paper Award |
Jiepu Jiang, Daqing He, Diane Kelly, James Allan |
Understanding Ephemeral State of Relevance |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
Victor Lavrenko, W. B. Croft |
Relevance based Language Models (2001 paper) |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
Jay M. Ponte, W. B. Croft |
A Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval (1998 paper) |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
James Allan, Ron Papka, Victor Lavrenko |
On-line New Event Detection and Tracking (1998 paper) |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
Jinxi Xu, W. B. Croft |
Query Expansion using Local and Global Document Analysis (1996 paper) |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
Jamie Callan, Zhihong Lu, W. B. Croft |
Searching Distributed Collections with Inference Networks (1995 paper) |
2016 |
SIGIR 2016 |
Test of Time Award |
Howard Turtle, W. B. Croft |
Inference Networks for Document Retrieval (1990 paper) |
2015 |
SIGIR 2015 |
Test of Time Award Honorable Mention Award |
Jiwoon Jeon, Victor Lavrenko, R. Manmatha |
Automatic image annotation and retrieval using cross-media relevance models (2003 paper) |
2015 |
ACL 2015 |
Outstanding Paper Award |
Emma Strubell, Luke Vilnis, Kate Silverstein, Andrew McCallum |
Learning Dynamic Feature Selection for Fast Sequential Prediction |
2014 |
SIGIR 2014 |
Test of Time Award Honorable Mention Award |
Steve Cronen-Townsend, Yun Zhou, W. Bruce Croft |
Predicting query performance (2002 paper) |
2014 |
NIPS 2014 (4th Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction - AKBC 2014) |
Outstanding Paper Award |
Arvind Neelakantan, Benjamin Roth, Andrew McCallum |
Knowledge Base Completion using Compositional Vector Space Models |
2013 |
ICDAR 2013 |
Best Poster Paper Award |
David Wemhoener, Zeki Yalniz, R. Manmatha |
Creating an Improved Version Using Noisy OCR from Multiple Editions |
2012 |
WSDM 2012 |
Runner-Up Best Paper Award |
Michael Bendersky, Donald Metzler, W. B. Croft |
Effective Query Formulation with Multiple Information Sources |
2011 |
SIGIR 2011 |
Best Paper Honorable Mention Award |
Michael Bendersky, Donald Metzler, W. B. Croft |
Parameterized Concept Weighting in Verbose Queries |
2011 |
CIKM 2011 (BooksOnline Workshop) |
Best Paper Award |
Marc-Allen Cartright, Henry A. Feild, James Allan |
Evidence Finding using a Collection of Books |
2011 |
ICML 2011 |
Test of Time Award |
John Lafferty, Andrew McCallum, Fernando C. N. Pereira |
Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data (2001 paper) |
2010 |
PAKDD 2010 |
Best Paper Runner-Up |
Pallika H. Kanani, Andrew McCallum, Shaohan Hu |
Resource-bounded Information Extraction: Acquiring Missing Feature Values On Demand |
2009 |
ICTIR 2009 |
Best Paper Award |
Ben Carterette (Ph.D. '08) |
An Analysis of NP-Completeness in Novelty and Diversity Ranking |
2008 |
ISCA 2008 |
Most Influential Paper Award |
Maurice P. Herlihy, J. Eliot B. Moss |
Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free Data Structures (1993 paper) |
2006 |
SIGIR 2006 |
Best Paper Award |
Ben Carterette, James Allan, Ramesh Sitaraman |
Minimal Test Collections for Retrieval Evaluation |
2006 |
SIGIR 2006 |
Best Student Paper Award (also Best Paper Award) |
Ben Carterette, James Allan, Ramesh Sitaraman |
Minimal Test Collections for Retrieval Evaluation |
2005 |
SIGIR 2005 |
Best Student Paper Award |
Donald Metzler, Bruce Croft |
A Markov random field model for term dependencies |
2004 |
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI) |
2004 James Chen Annual Award for Best Journal Article |
Anton Leuski, James Allan |
Interactive Information Retrieval Using Clustering and Spatial Proximity |
2004 |
AAAI 2004 |
Honorable Mention Award |
Trausti Kristjannson, Aron Culotta, Paul Viola, Andrew McCallum |
Interactive Information Extraction with Constrained Conditional Random Fields |
2001 |
SIGIR 2001 |
Best Paper Award |
James Allan, Rahul Gupta, Vikas Khandelwal |
Temporal Summaries of News Topics |
1999 |
ATAL 1999 (6th Intl. Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages) |
Best Student Paper Award |
Ping Xuan, Victor Lesser |
Incorporating Uncertainty in Agent Commitments |
1998 |
SIGIR 1998 |
Best Paper Award |
Warren Greiff |
A theory of term weighting based on exploratory data analysis |
1997 |
SIGIR 1997 |
Best Student Paper Award |
Lisa Ballesteros, Bruce Croft |
Phrasal translation and query expansion techniques for cross-language information retrieval |
1995 |
SIGIR 1995 |
Best Student Paper Award (co-winner) |
Eric Brown |
Fast evaluation of structured queries for information retrieval |
bold denotes CIIR researcher |