Bruce Croft and James Allan (and Shlomo Zilberstein) visit Hokkaido University to participate in events to mark the opening of the one of the GI-CoRE’s six focal areas of research collaborations, the Global Stations, including Big Data and Cybersecurity (GSB).
Japan's Hokkaido University (HU) and the UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) have embarked on a new initiative, part of the Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education (GI-CoRE), to foster collaborative research and education activities in the areas of big data and cybersecurity. The initiative builds on the longstanding relationship between the two institutions that goes back to the founding of Hokkaido University in 1876 by William Smith Clark, the third president of the Massachusetts Agricultural College (later to become UMass Amherst).