MIR Publications

The following is a list of publications that I have been either been involved in (or associated with). Most of these are from the multimedia indexing and retrieval (MIR) publications at the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR).

MM-355 Jiwoon Jeon and R. Manmatha Using Maximum Entropy for Automatic Image Annotation [View Abstract]

MM-346 Metzler, D., and Manmatha, R. An Inference Network Approach to Image Retrieval [View Abstract]

MM-333 Feng, S.L., Manmatha, R. and Lavrenko, V. Multiple Bernoulli Relevance Models for Image and Video Annotation [View Abstract]

MM-325 Lavrenko, V., Feng, S.L. and Manmatha, R. Statistical Models for Automatic Video Annotation and Retrieval ,  the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,(ICASSP), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 17-21, 2004. [View Abstract]

MM-320 Kornfield, E.M., Manmatha, R. and Allan, J. Text Alignment with Handwritten Documents ,  the Proceedings of Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL) 2004, San Jose, CA, January 23-24, 2004. [View Abstract]

MM-319 Lavrenko, V., Rath, T. and Manmatha, R. Holistic Word Recognition for Handwritten Historical Documents ,  the Proceedings of Document Image Analysis for Libraries (DIAL) 2004, pp. 278-287 [View Abstract]

MM-46 Lavrenko, V., Manmatha., R. and Jeon, J. A Model for Learning the Semantics of Pictures ,  Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada December 9-11, 2003. [View Abstract]

MM-44: (2003) Rothfeder, J., Feng, S. and Rath, T. M., "Using Corner Feature Correspondences to Rank Word Images by Similarity," IN the Proceedings of DIAR-03: Workshop on Document Image Analysis and Retrieval,Madison, WI, June 2,1 2003.

MM-43 Manmatha, R.and Rath, T.M. Indexing Handwritten Historical Documents - Recent Progress ,  Indexing Handwritten Historical Documents - Recent Progress | the Proc. of the Symposium on Document Image Understanding (SDIUT-03), pp. 77-85. [View Abstract]

MM-42: Rath, T., Lavrenko, V. and Manmatha, R. < "Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval using Cross-Media Relevance Models," CIIR Technical Report

MM-41 Jeon, J., Lavrenko, V. and Manmatha, R. Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval using Cross-Media Relevance Models ,  SIGIR'03 Conference, pp. 119-126. [View Abstract]

MM-40 Rath, T.M. and Manmatha, R. Lower-Bounding of Dynamic Time Warping Distances for Multivariate Time Series ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

IR-356 James Allan (editor), Jay Aslam, Nicholas Belkin, Chris Buckley, Jamie Callan, Bruce Croft (editor), Sue Dumais, Norbert Fuhr, Donna Harman, David J. Harper, Djoerd Hiemstra, Thomas Hofmann, Eduard Hovy, Wessel Kraaij, John Lafferty, Victor Lavrenko, David Lewis, Liz Liddy, R. Manmatha, Andrew McCallum, Jay Ponte, John Prager, Dragomir Radev, Philip Resnik, Stephen Robertson, Roni Rosenfeld, Salim Roukos, Mark Sanderson, Rich Schwartz, Amit Singhal, Alan Smeaton, Howard Turtle, Ellen Voorhees, Ralph Weischedel, Jinxi Xu, ChengXiang Zhai Challenges in Information Retrieval Language Modeling [View Abstract]

IR-310 Hanna, K., Levine, B. and Manmatha, R. Mobile Distributed Information Retrieval For Highly-Partitioned Networks ,  the Proceedings of IEEE ICNP 2003. [View Abstract]

IR-294 Kinuta, Y., Levine, B. and Manmatha, R. Server Selection Techniques for Distributed Information Retrieval ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

IR-285 R. Manmatha Applications of Score Distributions in Information Retrieval ,  Language Modeling for Information Retrieval, W. Bruce Croft and John Lafferty, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, chapter 8. No electronic copy available. [View Abstract]

MM-39 Rath, T. and Manmatha, R. Features for Word Spotting in Historical Manuscripts ,  ICDAR $(B!G(B03 conference,vol.1, pp. 218-222. [View Abstract]

MM-38 Rath, T. and Manmatha, R. Word Image Matching Using Dynamic Time Warping ,  CVPR-03 conference,vol. 2, pp. 521-527. [View Abstract]

MM-37 M. Das and R. Manmatha Title: Automatic Segmentation and Indexing of Specialized Databases ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

MM-36 T.M. Rath, S. Kane, A. Lehman, E. Partridge and R. Manmatha Indexing for a Digital Library of George Washington$(B!G(Bs Manuscripts: A Study of Word Matching Techniques ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

IR-262 R. Manmatha, Ao Feng, and James Allan A Critical Examination of TDT's Cost Function ,  SIGIR 2002, Tampere, Finland, August 11-15, 2002. [View Abstract]

IR-255 Manmatha, R., Rath, T. and Feng, F. Modeling Score Distribution for Meta Search ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

IR-242 Manmatha, R. and Sever, H. A Formal Approach to Score Normalization for Metasearch ,  HLT 2002, pp. 88-93. [View Abstract]

IR-224 Manmatha, R., Rath, T. and Feng. F. Modeling Score Distributions for Combining the Outputs of Search Engines ,  ACM SIGIR 01 conference,pp. 267-275. [View Abstract]

MM-31 Das, M. and Manmatha, R. Automatic Segmentation and Indexing in a Database of Bird Images ,  ICCV 2001, the 8th IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision,Vancouver, volume II, pp. 351-358. [View Abstract]

MM-29 Madirakshi Das, R. Manmatha and Edward M. Riseman , Indexing Flower Patent Images using Domain Knowledge ,  the journal IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, no.5, pp. 24. [View Abstract]

MM-27 Manmatha, R. & Srimal, N. Scale space technique for word segmentation in handwritten manuscripts ,  the Second International Conference on Scale-Space Theories Computer Vision (Scale Space 99), pp. 22-33. [View Abstract]

MM-26 Ravela, S. and Manmatha, R. Multi-modal retrieval of trademark images using global similarity ,  UMass Computer Science Tech Report number TR99-32. [View Abstract]

MM-25 Ravela, S., Manmatha, R. and Croft, W.B. Retrieval of trademark and gray-scale images using global similarity ,  CIIR Technical Report. [View Abstract]

MM-23 Ravela, S. and Manmatha, R. Gaussian Filtered Representations of Images ,  The Encyclopedia on Electrical & Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, John G. Webster (Ed.), pp 289-307, 1999. [View Abstract]

MM-22 Das, M., Manmatha, R. and Riseman, E.M. Indexing Flowers by Color Names using Domain Knowledge-driven Segmentation ,  IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV98), pages 94-99. [View Abstract]

MM-21 Ravela, S. and Manmatha, R. On computing global similarity in images ,  IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV98), pp. 82-87. [View Abstract]

MM-20 Manmatha, R., Ravela, S. and Chitti, Y. On computing local and global similarity in images ,  Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, (SPIE $(B!F(B98), pp. 540-551. [View Abstract]

MM-19 Wu, V. and Manmatha. R. Document Image Clean-up and Binarization ,  Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, (SPIE 98), pp. 263-273. [View Abstract]

MM-18 Wu., V., Manmatha, R. and Riseman, E. TextFinder: An Automatic System to Detect and Recognize Text in Images ,  Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence ,November 1999, pp. 1224-1228. [View Abstract]

MM-17 S. Ravela and R. Manmatha Retrieving Images by Appearance ,  the Proc. of the IEEE International Conf. on Computer Vision, (ICCV 98), pp. 608-613. [View Abstract]

MM-16 S. Ravela and R. Manmatha Retrieving Images by Similarity of Visual Appearance ,  the Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on Content Based Access of Image Databases, Puerto Rico, pp.67-74. [View Abstract]

MM-15 R. Manmatha Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval Research at the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval ,  Proceedings of Symposium on Document Image Understanding SDIUT97 ,pp. 16-30. [View Abstract]

MM-12 R. Manmatha and Harpreet Sawhney Finding Symmetry in Intensity Images ,  Computer Science Technical Report TR-97-09. [View Abstract]

MM-11 S. Ravela andR. Manmatha Image Retrieval by Appearance ,  20th International Conference onResearch and Development Information Retrieval (SIGIR 97) ,Philadelphia, PA, July 27-31, 1997. [View Abstract]

MM-9 M.Das, B.A. Draper, W.J. Lim, R. Manmatha, E.M. Riseman A Fast, Background-independent Retrieval Strategy for Color Image Databases ,  Umass Technical Report TR96-79. [View Abstract]

MM-7 S. Ravela, R. Manmatha and E. M. Riseman Scale SpaceMatching and Image Retrieval ,  Proceedings of the ARPA Image UnderstandingWorkshop , 1996. [View Abstract]

MM-6 R. Manmatha andW. B. Croft Word Spotting: IndexingHandwritten Manuscripts ,  book chapter IntelligentMulti-media Information Retrieval Collection, ed. Mark Maybury,Forthcoming book. [View Abstract]

MM-6 R. Manmatha andW. B. Croft Word Spotting: IndexingHandwritten Manuscripts ,  book chapter IntelligentMulti-media Information Retrieval Collection, ed. Mark Maybury,Forthcoming book. [View Abstract]

MM-10 R. Manmatha and S. Ravela A Syntactic Characterization of Appearance and its Application to Image Retrieval ,  Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II , vol 3016, Feb. 1997, SanJose. [View Abstract]

MM-4 R. Manmatha, C. Han andE. Riseman Word Spotting: A New Approach to IndexingHandwriting ,  Proceedings of IEEEComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, CVPR 96 , SanFrancisco, CA, June 1996, longer version available as UMass TechnicalReport, TR95-105. [View Abstract]

MM-3 Victor Wu and R. Manmatha Extracting Text From Greyscale Images ,  UMass Technical Report TR95-88. [View Abstract]

MM-2 R. Manmatha, Chenfeng Han,E.M. Riseman, W.B. Croft Indexing Handwriting Using WordMatching ,  Proceedings of the First ACM Internal Conference onDigital Libraries, DL 96, Bethesda, MD, March 1996, pp. 151-159.UMass Technical Report TR95-89. [View Abstract]

MM-1 Manmatha, R. A Framework for Recovering AffineTransforms Using Points, Lines or Image Brightnesses ,  Proceedingsof IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference , Seattle,Washington, June 21-23, 1994, pp. 141-146. [View Abstract]